Website Update 2 has been undergoing some changes lately as my Webdesign master, DJ Brungard, updates it. Please visit if you haven't already to see current and past works, a bio, an artist's statement on the early history of Crateart, and links to other wonderful artists. There is still more work to be done on the update, but most of the update is complete. Keep returning to see changes in the next few days.
I highly suggest to friends that, unless they have well crafted web-design skills, to hire a website designer. There are a million examples of bad artist websites, and in today's market, the website is usually the first display of your work viewed. Mark Sisson, a former professor of mine from OSU, once told me that you can make the best painting and screw it up by taking a bad slide. Today, you can have a wonderful body of work and its only worth the website you display it on. DJ Brungard has a link on
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