King of Something
Its been a long time since I last wrote a blog here, and I wish not to neglect my duties to this site, so even though not much in the line of Crateart has happened let me inform.
I'm in a grey point right now as an artist. I haven't been making any new work lately, at least nothing worth presenting here, and I may not make any anytime soon. I have invested a lot of time and a lot of money into my artwork, so it is hard for me to just quit, but it may have to happen. Maybe, maybe not.
There are times as an artist when you look back on sacrifices you've made for your profession and judge if it is worth it. In the beginning the idea is to never look back, to just run and run and never pause to examine, but you get older and things change.
Over the last few months I have been exploring the idea of a new profession, but nothing really comes to mind. I don't really fear starting over, actually that idea sounds fun, I just fear doing something that will lead me back to this point, where I am not sure if I wish to proceed. I know that making works of expression may be the only thing I really enjoy, but I just am not able to find the method of comminicating my thought to others. The good Mike says, "never give up until you've done it". The evil Mike says, "spend your money and time elsewhere. Learn a new, and profitable, trade". The Mike in the middle just waits.
So as for Crateart, all I can say is that I am in a fog right now. Grey areas happen. I've been here before, before This is 7 in Prague, before I coined Crateart. This is really the time that the biggest steps of my work have always happened. When I come back, the work will not be the same, probably not even close. I may come back with writing, maybe images, I may just decide that my work is raising my son and nothing else. The time has come for me to examine my work. I must decide what I have been doing wrong, whether its worth fixing, and if not, what I will do instead. No matter what, I will report back here.